
The war in Ukraine affects us all. More and more Ukrainians are coming to the Netherlands. What does Bibliotheek De Kempen do? On this page you will find an overview to guide you.

The library is for everyone

Wherever you come from. No matter how old you are. Whether you are a member or not. Everyone is welcome in the public Library. To learn, to practice your digital or language skills, to meet others, to relax and of course to read.

The Library has always been there for newcomers. Ukrainian refugees are also warmly welcomed in our library.

Welcome Subscription

All newcomers in the municipalities of Bergeijk, Bladel, Cranendonck, Eersel, Oirschot, Reusel-De Mierden and Valkenswaard can join Bibliotheek De Kempen for 3 months completely free. Note that membership for children is always free.


Learning Dutch

In the DigiTaalhuis in the library we can help you to learn the Dutch language. We offer Taalcafés/Dutch cafes, language lessons or language buddies. We also have special books for learning Dutch and tools to practice online.

Come to the Library


In each of our libraries, visitors can use our computers free of charge. For example, you can look up things or fill in online forms. You can also print documents and make photocopies for a small fee or use our free WiFi on your own phone.

Opening hours

Ukrainian – Dutch

You can get started on your own with this free online language program. The website can be used in any language. Also in Ukrainian.



A free language program for all refugees from Ukraine. To get acquainted with the Dutch language; alone or with a volunteer / teacher.

To KleurRijker

Learning words visually

A visual dictionary and infographic that help you learn words.

To online visual dictionary

To conversation infographic

Free e-books and audiobooks in Ukrainian

Unlimited learning

With the free Unlimited Learning app, Ukrainian children and adults can read and learn to the fullest.

Download the app (iOS)

Download the app (Android)


All audio and e-books in the Yakaboo application are now free for
Ukrainians. Please note that you must register with a Ukrainian phone number in order to use it for free.

Download the app (iOS)

Download the app (Android)

For Ukrainian children

JeugdBieb (Youth Library)

The JeugdBieb has made a whole page for Ukrainian children. On this webpage you will find e-books, audio books, coloring pages and online lessons for Ukrainian children.

Have a look

Ukrainian Children's Books

On these websites you will find free Ukrainian children's books.

30 free children's books

Picture books in all languages

Ukrainian fairy tales

Free Ukrainian fairy tales, e-books, audiobooks, games and educational content for kids. Made by Graafschap Bibliotheken.

To the list


Ririro offers 50 free Ukriainian stories. You can read them online, or download them for free as PDF. 

Have a look

Borrow English books

English e-books

More e-books

English audio books

More audio books